Tag Archives: purpose

Sala – More Than a Survivor

In Marsha Cook‘s most informative book, Sala – More Than a Survivor, you’ll discover undeniable truth amongst the Holocaust that words alone cannot fully express. Based on a true story, Marsha discloses one event after another in a sensitive yet profound manner that joins your heart with Sala’s during her most unforgettable journey.

The story unfolds during World War II ending in 1945, when a tenacious ten year old girl named Sala experiences the sudden loss of her parents and siblings, one by one, abruptly taken by Nazi’s. She was strong-willed and hopeful through her most trying circumstances but with sheer determination and perseverance, Sala was reunited with a loved one but not before suffering tremendous outcries unknown to most of us while fighting for her very life.

After reading the heartbreaking series of events Sala lived through, she has taught me surviving is useless without a purpose. Love and commitment were the glue that held every piece of Sala’s shattered life together until the necessary healing and forgiveness were found. Treading this journey with Sala through vivid and blunt accounts retold by Marsha,  birthed within me a deeper thankfulness for life itself. Upon realizing the extreme pain, utter humiliation and intense rejection experienced by those who have survived the Holocaust, I too have hope in any situation that God is with me and sees the bigger picture I have yet to envision.

Marsha Cook‘s book will touch your heart, move your spirit as the unforgettable truth of the Holocaust is shared from a most respectable survivor herself, Salucia Lewis. Upon closing Sala’s final pages you will never be the same.

© 2011  Denise Spooner


Filed under Children' Books, Honest Book Reviews, Marsha Casper Cook, Writers

Brushed by God

Some books you read and forget, some you absorb the information and use it later, and still others you devour what’s on every page and share the book with friends and family. Marrietta Wright’s book Brushed by God is one of those books that will have you dissecting every word as it penetrates your soul and renews your mind.

by Marietta Wright

Brushed by God is a simply fabulous read that absolutely no one should miss. Marietta is a gifted artist with a flair for encouraging new artists to explore their God-given talents as well as learning to draw, paint, etc.  step by step. She not only teaches art, she teaches about every day life, authentic  living and unconditional love through prophecy. With God as her sure foundation, Marietta creatively entices readers to allow themselves the freedom to dream big, press on  and reach beyond their greatest expectations.

Brushed by God is not only for the practicing artist but for those who have yet to discover the artist within. Its simple instructions were thoughtfully written and easy to understand. They will encourage even the novice artist with sound counsel while helping refine the gifts of those already serving in the prophetic arts. This book is one of the most life-changing books I have ever read and you will be blessed to have partaken of its rich, truthful, life-changing content. You can purchase Brushed by God in traditional form or as an e-book through Amazon as well as through Marietta’s awe-inspiring website.

Not only is Brushed by God a book all about prophetic art, it’s a manual for living an abundant life. Marietta shares her own extravagant love for God and God’s unconditional love for you, the reader. Her book is a real life account of how God speaks through art and empowers not only the believer but blesses the listener as well. You will be inspired, taught and loved beyond imagination while reading Brushed by God.

© 2011  Denise Spooner

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Filed under Art, Authors, Honest Book Reviews, Marietta Wright, Prophecy, Writers