Tag Archives: Marsha Cook

No Clues No Shoes

No Clues No Shoes is another fabulous story sure to warm any child’s heart. Marsha Cook’s latest children’s story about two young detectives and Stanley, a furry friend like none other will have you in suspense within the first few pages. Marsha does a terrific job, as always, in bringing a whimsical adventure to life that every youngster will enjoy traveling on.

Emilina Hewitt is an eight year old on a mission to find a fellow student’s shoe using clues that she and her assistant, Anthony Apple, stumble upon along their journey to be the best young detectives around. Stanley, Emilina’s dog, has quite the character and verbal abilities to boot. When Emilina talks too much, Stanley performs his magic that has everyone begging for more. Anthony Apple experiences the loss of his canine buddy and Emilina takes full advantage of the opportunity to share her Grandmother’s words of wisdom while encouraging Anthony to always remember the great memories they had together.

This exciting and suspenseful, heartfelt and unique story, No Clues No Shoes by Marsha Casper Cook, is another spectacular children’s book that belongs in every child’s home. Marsha cleverly intertwines real life lessons with mysterious adventures never to be forgotten. Libraries and bookstores everywhere will be offering young children of all ages literature of great value featuring esteeming characters that highlight important values and lasting friendships with No Clues No Shoes upon their shelves.

© 2011  Denise Spooner

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Filed under Authors, Children' Books, Honest Book Reviews, Marsha Casper Cook, Writers

Sala – More Than a Survivor

In Marsha Cook‘s most informative book, Sala – More Than a Survivor, you’ll discover undeniable truth amongst the Holocaust that words alone cannot fully express. Based on a true story, Marsha discloses one event after another in a sensitive yet profound manner that joins your heart with Sala’s during her most unforgettable journey.

The story unfolds during World War II ending in 1945, when a tenacious ten year old girl named Sala experiences the sudden loss of her parents and siblings, one by one, abruptly taken by Nazi’s. She was strong-willed and hopeful through her most trying circumstances but with sheer determination and perseverance, Sala was reunited with a loved one but not before suffering tremendous outcries unknown to most of us while fighting for her very life.

After reading the heartbreaking series of events Sala lived through, she has taught me surviving is useless without a purpose. Love and commitment were the glue that held every piece of Sala’s shattered life together until the necessary healing and forgiveness were found. Treading this journey with Sala through vivid and blunt accounts retold by Marsha,  birthed within me a deeper thankfulness for life itself. Upon realizing the extreme pain, utter humiliation and intense rejection experienced by those who have survived the Holocaust, I too have hope in any situation that God is with me and sees the bigger picture I have yet to envision.

Marsha Cook‘s book will touch your heart, move your spirit as the unforgettable truth of the Holocaust is shared from a most respectable survivor herself, Salucia Lewis. Upon closing Sala’s final pages you will never be the same.

© 2011  Denise Spooner


Filed under Children' Books, Honest Book Reviews, Marsha Casper Cook, Writers

Snack Attack teaches children a valuable lesson in too much of a good thing

Snack Attack, written by  Marsha Casper Cook, is about a young boy named Addison Apple who has a big appetite for sweets. His typical breakfast of oatmeal never went down well and one day Addison decided to share his gooey oatmeal with his dog, Sammie. Pulling this clever stunt over on mom was just the beginning of his problems he would soon find out were not worth his efforts to avoid his oatmeal.

Written amongst beautiful illustrations and a lesson to be learned by all young children about listening to their parents, Addison finds relief in following after his sweet obsessions and must contend with the sickening consequences to his dismay. Marsha Cook is an author, a lecturer, screenwriter, agent and radio show host living in the Chicago suburbs. She has published several children’s books as well as  two novels and eleven screenplays. Marsha knows children and how they think. She shares a lesson in listening to parents through Snack Attack in a way that is both educational for children as well as delightfully expressive to parents.

Join Addison and his mom in his breakfast adventure from gooey oatmeal to extravagantly eating his choice foods and realizing his mom really did know best. Snack Attack is a fabulous story that will have your youngster begging for oatmeal at breakfast time and listening to your every word with anticipation and great eagerness. Marsha Cook‘s outstanding creativity makes Snack Attack an absolute must for every child’s library of worthwhile books.

© 2011  Denise Spooner

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Filed under Children' Books, Honest Book Reviews, Marsha Casper Cook, Writers