Tag Archives: literacy

Snack Attack teaches children a valuable lesson in too much of a good thing

Snack Attack, written by  Marsha Casper Cook, is about a young boy named Addison Apple who has a big appetite for sweets. His typical breakfast of oatmeal never went down well and one day Addison decided to share his gooey oatmeal with his dog, Sammie. Pulling this clever stunt over on mom was just the beginning of his problems he would soon find out were not worth his efforts to avoid his oatmeal.

Written amongst beautiful illustrations and a lesson to be learned by all young children about listening to their parents, Addison finds relief in following after his sweet obsessions and must contend with the sickening consequences to his dismay. Marsha Cook is an author, a lecturer, screenwriter, agent and radio show host living in the Chicago suburbs. She has published several children’s books as well as  two novels and eleven screenplays. Marsha knows children and how they think. She shares a lesson in listening to parents through Snack Attack in a way that is both educational for children as well as delightfully expressive to parents.

Join Addison and his mom in his breakfast adventure from gooey oatmeal to extravagantly eating his choice foods and realizing his mom really did know best. Snack Attack is a fabulous story that will have your youngster begging for oatmeal at breakfast time and listening to your every word with anticipation and great eagerness. Marsha Cook‘s outstanding creativity makes Snack Attack an absolute must for every child’s library of worthwhile books.

© 2011  Denise Spooner

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Filed under Children' Books, Honest Book Reviews, Marsha Casper Cook, Writers