Tag Archives: Nazi

Luba – The Angel of Bergen-Belsen

Luba – The Angel of Bergen-Belsen, written by Michelle Roehm McCann, is a touching story of a brave young lady who was a prisoner at a concentration camp in Germany. Luba questioned why she was still alive and had been spared from the fatal wrath of the Nazi soldiers.

One night while lying in bed, Luba heard children crying unheard by the other women. Luba sat up and ventured into the cold woods to find the children who were crying in the night. As Luba trudged into the snow-covered woods, she found fifty-four children behind the barracks out in the field. Luna knew she could not leave the children in the woods to die so she rounded them up and brought them back to the barracks.

At first the other women in the barracks were far more concerned about their own welfare and feared they would be killed if the soldiers found them housing and feeding the children. But when they saw the love and compassion that Luba had for these children who were not even her own, the women’s hearts softened and they welcomed the children into the barracks as well.

Miraculously, Luba managed to get extra food for all the children but not without quite a bit of convincing and wise speech along the way. Despite the chance of being killed for caring for these children, Luba mothered them as if they were her very own.  She wanted to care for these children because they needed her, were hungry and were someone’s children. Luba thought of her own son that she never expected to see again. She hoped someone would be caring for Isaac the way she was caring for these abandoned children.

This story is thrilling and touching as Luba addresses the needs of fifty-four children who should never had made it through that night in Auschwitz. Luba’s courage and love for orphaned children and her deep compassion for them will bring tears to your eyes and warm your heart as she gives these children the gift of life. Luba’s story will be an inspiration to anyone and leave them questioning their own purpose in life.

© 2011  Denise Spooner


Filed under Holocaust, Honest Book Reviews